Series: Christianity & Culture
Message: "Marginalized & Neutralized, pt 2"
Scripture: Acts 4:1-31
Message: Pastor Tim
Worship Leader: Jon Conroy
Tonight is our annual “Guess Who’s Coming to Dinner!” and there are approximately 60 people from the CFC family participating in the fun, food and fellowship! If you are a guest, please arrive at your host’s home @ 5:00 pm and don’t forget to keep it a secret until then so you don’t spoil the surprise!
The Monday Ladies Bible Study meets at the Naubinway Campus beginning at 1:00 pm. The new study is Luke in the Land by Kristi McLelland.
Bible Study Fellowship’s study of the book of Revelation has begun! Both the men’s and women’s classes meet weekly at the Naubinway campus @ 6:15 pm! Contact John Stover or Katti Gouza for more information.
The Priscilla Shirer Women’s Conference Simulcast is next Saturday, September 21st at the First Baptist Church in Newberry. Registration begins at 8:30 am and is $20.00 which includes breakfast and lunch. Contact Beth Michael @ 906-281-7801 for more information.
The Women’s Keryx weekend is September 26th – 29th & the Men’s Keryx weekend is October 3rd – 6th. Contact Katti or Chad Gouza for more information.
On October 31st CFC will host the 2nd annual “Cookies and Costumes” from 5:00-8:00 pm here at the Family Worship Center. We will open our doors for area children and families to come in to warm up, use the restrooms and to enjoy cookies, hot chocolate and other fun activities. IF YOU ARE WILLING TO HELP, please contact Kathy Miller.
IMPACT YOUTH will be meeting again next Sunday, September 22nd after the morning service. At 11:45 we will load the Mini-bus to head out for lunch, group activities and to pick up trash on US 2 in memory of Maggie. All youth grades 8-12 are welcome and encouraged to participate!
Associate Pastor update:
The A.P. Search Team completed their part in the process & submitted their proposal to the CFC Leadership Team to continue the discernment process. The Leadership Team has affirmed their recommendation to consider hiring two of the candidates for a combined, full-time position. Isaiah 55:8-9 tells us that God’s thoughts are not our thoughts and that his ways are higher than ours. Because the CFC leadership and church family have been covering this in prayer, we feel confident that the Lord has led us to this point and has directed our steps along the way.
Eric Lytle and Chad Gouza each have unique gifts to offer that will help CFC to continue to thrive under the Lord’s leadership and direction. We have invited Eric to join us on Sunday, September 22nd to share a message with us & then we have asked both Eric and Chad along with their spouses to return on Thursday, September 26th for a question-and-answer time beginning @ 7 pm. Then, the CFC family will have the opportunity to affirm the recommendation of the Leadership Team before a final decision is made. If you have any questions before that time, please take the opportunity to talk with a Leadership or Search Team member and continue to help us pray this through.
Everence® Financial will host a monthly Medicare Mondays webinar series starting in September on the second Monday of every month at 2:00 & 8:00 p.m. Topics will include, when and where to sign up for Medicare, what Medicare covers, plus an explanation of Medicare Parts A, B, C, and D. Attendance is recommended for those ready to sign up for Medicare.
Everence® Financial will also host a four-part Wednesday webinar series beginning September 11th through October 2nd at 2:00 & 8:00 pm. In this series, you’ll hear how Everence® can help you make important financial decisions that reflect your faith values. Specific topics will include: Charitable Giving; Integrating Your Faith and Finances; Social Security Benefits; and Investing 202. The webinars will be presented by Everence professionals and there will be plenty of time for your questions. To register for both webinar series or for more information, visit
You may have noticed that some of our seats on Sunday mornings are marked as “Reserved.” These are not meant to be “exclusive” but are often reserved for some of the following reasons:
1. For large groups that we know will be coming & request to sit together.
2. For the hearing impaired.
3. For the youth that have requested a special section to sit together. (Up front!)
4. For visitors or late arrivals.
Thanks so much for your understanding and cooperation.
Upcoming Meetings
Redemption Road – Wednesdays @ 6:30 pm – NC
Faith Against Cancer – 2nd & 4th Thursdays @ 6:30pm – NC
Church Council – September 22nd @ 12:30 pm – FWC
Elder Team – September 27th @ 10:00 am – RC
CFC Family Meeting – October 22nd @ 7:00 pm – FWC
Today: Sermon Discussion Class @ 11:30 am FWC
Today: Guess Who’s Coming to Dinner @ 5:00 pm
Monday: Ladies Bible Study @ NC 1:00 pm
Monday: Men’s/Women’s BSF @ NC 6:15 pm
Tues – Thurs: LINC Leadership Conf - Grandville
Wednesday: Redemption Road @ NC 6:30 pm
Wednesday: Illumin8 @ Newberry 6:30 pm
Wednesday: Bible Talk on Facebook – 7:00 pm
Thursday: Men’s Bible Study @ NC – 10:00 am
Saturday: Priscilla Shirer Simulcast - Newberry
Worship Leaders: FWC -
Connie Kostiuk 15th
Gavyn Plesscher 16th
Laura Cadeau 16th
Tasha Stielstra 17th
Sharon Johnson 19th
Ronald Swan 21st
Jo Miller 21st
Eunice Barker 21st
Del & Deb Kovar 15th
Bill & Jane Burnett 20th
Larry & Judy Wyse 21st
Devon & Kaylee Derusha 23rd, Jon & Lori Conroy 24th,
Larry & Bonnie Evearitt 24th, Dave & Robyn Albrecht 27th
“Life is a journey filled with twists and turns, ups and downs, pitfalls and potholes. Through the seasons of life, God never intended for people to walk the path of life lonely, without guidance, and carrying the heavy baggage of a broken world. Join us as we journey together and learn to trust the God of the Bible to be our Guide."